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1,2,3... Simulate only once all the insurances you want.


Limit your health expense. Access private healthcare networks, hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centers. More independence. More freedom. Less waiting time.

COVID-19 Protection!

Medical Discharge

It is an insurance that protects in the event of an accident, ie any event that was against the insured's will causing damage to it.
Maintain your financial capacity in case of temporary or permanent loss of your working capacity.

Life Credit

Safeguards the payment of 100% of the credit to the Bank in the event of Death or Disability of one of the holders, due to illness or accident. Are you protected in case of 60% disability?

COVID-19 Protection!

Guaranteed Education

Ensure your children's education, even in serious unforeseen situations. It all starts with planning, it is possible to guarantee compulsory education, university or even the entire academic path.

Serious diseases

It limits the exorbitant expense in case of serious illness like cancer. Prevention is the best medicine.


Having pets can mean unforeseen events, injuries and illnesses that can have worrying consequences. And it's not just a necessity for dogs of potentially dangerous breeds. Protect your pet.


Fun is the mission when traveling with family, but you need to be calm about safety, health and material goods. Prior to packing and boarding, you need to prioritize your peace of mind so that your trip will not end badly if something unexpected happens as a health problem or accident.


Limits the expense in the event of a claim with compulsory insurance or extended insurance.


Limits the expense in the event of a claim with compulsory insurance or extended insurance.


A multi-risk insurance covers a set of pre-determined coverage in two strands: building and filling. In addition to including fire coverage, it also protects your home from other damage that may be caused to you.

Civil Reponsability

It is intended to reimburse the insured in cases where he is civilly liable for causing material, personal and moral damages. That is, it is possible to obtain reimbursement of costs and expenses caused to third parties when arising from risks contracted in the policy. This type of contract provides coverage to large companies, executives and professionals.

Guaranteed Education

Ensure your children's education, even in serious unforeseen situations. It all starts with planning, it is possible to guarantee compulsory education, university or even the entire academic path.

Future insurance in your present

We believe insurances must be:



Forget about small letters. Without paper it's faster. Don't lose yourself in the insurances maze, we show you the way.



Have access to the protection you deserve without sacrificing your budget. Get benefits with each insurance you have.

Tailor made

Tailor made

Forget the general insurance pattern, we all have diferent needs. Our insurances are tailor-made ajusted to your needs.



Protect the world, reduce your carbon footprint.
For each insurance we plant a tree for you.

Know us better


The insurance consultant

We select and verify the best insurers to guarantee your customization, security and rights.


The service

We adapt products to your reality. We are committed to provide a good service and a fast response time. With HiSonia you will never be alone again.


All your insurances in one place

The platform


Simple and intuitive

No sales pitch or technical terms. Have the support of independent professionals, you can count on their expertise and orientation towards the client.


Decide for yourself

Make the best decisions with the support and knowledge of our consultants.


Find the best solutions

We are constantly analysing the market so that you always be protected and able to save money. Always acquire solutions more ajusted to you and at the best prices in the market.

Choose how to begin

Upload your insurances

You already have insurances? If so, use our techology! Upload and organize your insurances in one place and receive the best offers. An insurance of the past but with the support of the future.


Make your own diagnosis

Protect what you have already built, identify your needs and build your own protection plan.

Schedule now

Ensure your future

Together, with our partners, we tranformed insurances to be more prosperous and more reliable to our clients. Together we want to be stronger, our clients are our priority.

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